Announcing this Quarter’s Actions That Inspire Awards!

Each quarter, we look forward to celebrating one another and recognizing the ways, both large and small, that our team members inspire each other. We do this through our Actions That Inspire Award, announcing the recipients and our quarterly town hall! So, drumroll, please, here are our most recent winners!

Regional Performance Manager

Becca is a leader at a most pivotal level. As a Regional Performance Manager, she has many customers—including her own team members, peers and colleagues, as well as clients. It is a true orchestra of relationship management that she flawlessly executes each day. She has many team members and peers who look to her as their role model and aspire to deliver the results she has delivered; she does this through her leadership and with a sense of grace and humor. Her dedication to her team shows her commitment to playing for each other. Her drive to meet the end results shines as she completely owns the outcome. Congratulations, Becca!


Performance Manager

Orlando is someone who embodies every tenant of our Culture Code. In his 2+ years with LINK, he has driven success no matter the challenge. Through his leadership, he has helped his team drive performance and hit some impressive goals!

He has mastered supporting his team through structure and organization, working closely with all support departments, and demonstrating humility. To work with Orlando is to understand a process in which the needs of residents, clients, and teams come first. We are excited to see him continue to grow and inspire those around him! Congratulations, Orlando!


Management Alert: West Columbus Portfolio