Announcing this Quarter’s Actions That Inspire Awards!

Each quarter, we look forward to celebrating one another and recognizing the ways, both large and small, that our team members inspire each other. We do this through peer nominations and our Actions That Inspire Award, announcing the recipients and our quarterly town hall! So, drumroll please, here are our most recent winners!

Congratulations to the winner of this quarter's Actions That Inspire Team Award! Managing multiple, scattered sites in our Toledo portfolio is an ambitious undertaking. This team met that challenge head-on—delivering on their goals for leasing new homes, renovating communities and completing maintenance requests—while most importantly, creating an exceptional experience for their residents! Here's a glimpse into why they were nominated and named this quarter's winner:

“This team has embodied our culture code and come together to make a huge difference across the portfolio, from occupancy concerns to addressing outstanding work orders prior to LINK assuming management. The team has built strong relationships with the residents and rebuilt trust. They show up daily with smiles on their faces, ready to tackle what may come of the day!”


Rachel received multiple nominations and was named a recipient of this quarter's Actions that Inspire Award! Additionally, Rachel, who initially joined LINK as an intern, is now a full-time member of our People team! Keep reading for a glimpse into why team members say Rachel inspires them with her actions...

"Rachel comes in every day with a positive attitude and a willingness to do whatever it takes to move our team forward. She's very busy with recruiting and HR duties. However, this doesn't stop her from making time when a team member needs help. Recently, I was on a deadline and really needed someone to proofread. While she had plenty of her own work to do, she proofed multiple documents for me, and in true Rachel fashion, she did all of it with a smile on her face. Her attitude constantly embodies the phrase "building this company for each other, together."

As Property Manager at River City Landing, Vanessa leads her team with positivity, enthusiasm and a play-for-each-other mindset. Here's what one team member shared about working with Vanessa!

"Working with Vanessa is kinda like working with an energizer bunny. Her ability to multi-task and stay on point is amazing. I always look forward to seeing her and working closely with her and the team. The atmosphere that surrounds the office is always upbeat and no matter how things may appear Vanessa always seems to be smiling… I have the utmost respect for Vanessa; I'm sure her entire team does as well. Her willingness to always help out with everyone is such an inspiration that we can all live by.”


Lean into Learning


Condos and HOAs on All Sides with Ann Fisher